Monday, August 15, 2011

The Tiger

Tigers are found in north and east Asia. They live in grasslands, tropical forests, evergreen forests, woodlands, swamps, and savannas. Tigers are solitary animals, and will defend their territory strongly against any strange tiger that dares intrude. Female tigers have a territory of 10-618 sq. miles, and male tigers have territories that are much larger, and connected to that of several female tigers.

Tigers are carnivores, which means they eat meat exclusively. They will prey on a variety of medium to large sized animals, including water buffalo, elk, wild boar, and several types of deer. They also eat smaller animals such as fish, reptiles, and monkeys sometimes. Tigers hunt alone, and will ambush their prey from any angle, using brute weight and force to knock larger prey off their feet.

Tigers have a gestation period of about 104 days, after which 2-4 cubs are born. The babies are born with their eyes closed, and are approximately 2.2 pounds (Aww!). When the cubs reach 8 weeks old, they start to accompany their mother out of the den, and start to eat meat. Cubs become independent at around 10 months, but will not completely leave their mother until they are around 2 years old.

Thanks to David D. for taking and editing the photo.

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