The Gallery

This is a gallery of all my favorite pictures that I've taken over the years of animals.

A beautiful bird.

A duck preening itself.

A Bighorn Sheep

A lovely bird at the zoo. Unfortunately, we couldn't identify it. Any ideas?

A Canadian Goose.

An Elk

A Red Fox

A scarlet macaw.

A Penguin.

Another photo of said penguin.

A beautiful swan.

Three tigers.

An Arctic Tern.

A seagull
A kitty. (Adorable, huh?)

Dolphins we saw while kayaking.

Mama and baby alligators.

One of many Floridian birds.

A great dane.
Me syringe feeding a baby squirrel at Wild Things.

My darling Dutchess.

The seagull that made it's way to FFPandC's logo.
And another seagull with an amazing shadow.

More coming soon!