Dutchess the Dog

This is my dog Dutchess. She is a 3 year-old border collie mix.

I had always wanted a dog, and so for my birthday my parents said I could get one. We searched for weeks but couldn't find one. I wanted a puppy, but purebreds were too expensive, and rescues sold puppies so quickly.
Then my aunt called.
Her husband works for a counseling company that has safe houses for their clients, and a pregnant dog showed up at one of the houses and had ten puppies. For three weeks, all was well, but then the mother disappeared. all the counseling staff scooped up the puppies and tried to take care of them, bottle-feeding etc.
My uncle was the one who took Dutchess, and my aunt called us, telling us that they had a puppy for me. So we made plans to go out to their house to get her.

But then the mother dog was found (turned out she had been accidentally locked in a garage), and the puppies were returned to her.
We put off our leaving for another couple weeks, to give Dutchess more time with her mom. But then we went out and got her, and my baby girl has been living with us ever since.