Sunday, September 11, 2011


We will always remember what happened on 9/11. My thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones in the World Trade Center.

Hundreds of rescuers went to Ground Zero to find those who had survived. And with those amazing people, were rescue dogs. Rescue dogs were instrumental at Ground Zero, sniffing out survivors.

There is only about a dozen of 9/11's rescue dogs still alive now. Moxie, Orion, Guinness, Red, Bailey, and Bretagne are among those canines. These and other unsung heroes will be featured in the book Retrieved, by Charlotte Dumas.

Search and rescue dogs (SAR) sniff out missing people using airsenting (sniffing airborne scents), trailing (looking for someone specific), or tracking (working on a lead, with nose to the ground). What these dogs are able to accomplish with just their noses is another reminder how amazing God's creation is!

God Bless America!!
