Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Ground Hog

Also known as woodchucks, these furry little critters are found in Alaska, southern Canada and the eastern United States. The ground hog in this picture made it's home in my backyard.

Ground hogs rarely venture far from their burrows. An intricate network of tunnels, these burrows have an average of three or four holes, and den pipes will be anywhere from 15 to 20 feet in length.

Breeding season begins mid-February when ground hogs come out of hibernation. After a gestation period of about a month, a litter of 2-9 pups is born. They will stay with their mother until midsummer, when they go out to dig their own dens.

Ground hogs are vegetarians. They will eat flowers, leaves, soft grasses, carrots, peas, and more. They will eat as much as three fourths of a pound of food a day. When they are about to go into hibernation, they will really kick into eating overdrive.

Most groundhogs live only a year or less, but some lucky ones can live to be three or four years old.

Now, you may have heard of Ground Hog Day. That is the day when Punxsutawney Phil the ground hog is brought out and everyone crowds around to see if Phil will see his shadow. If he does, winter will continue. If he doesn't, then spring is just around the corner. Though it's a fun idea, I think it's a little silly. spring will come when spring will come. It has nothing to do with a ground hog in Pennsylvania on February 2nd.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dog Breed of the Month: The Great Dane

What dog weighs up to 200 pounds, is 30 to 34 inches in height, and is referred to as the "gentle giant"?

The Great Dane, of course!

Charming and affectionate, they are playful and good with children. They make great watchdogs, since they are both courageous and loyal.

Great Danes grow fast, so they should be taught from an early age not to lean on or jump on people. They need firm guidance, and an owner who will be a true 'alpha'.

Great Danes live for about ten years. They are prone to a number of health problems, including hip dysplasia, bloat, and heart disease.

To show how big these dogs get, here's a picture:
Up to the elbow of 15 year old me. That's a BIG dog.

Great Danes need a lot of exercise. Though they will do okay in an apartment, a long daily walk is essential.

The tallest dog on record, "Giant George" is a Great Dane. To learn more about George, go to his website .

Great Danes are sweet, lovable dogs. If you're looking for a gentle, large companion, the Great Dane is the canine for you.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Ugliest Dog Contest

At a fair in North California, Yoda the Chinese Crested-Chihuahua mix won the title of World's Ugliest Dog. Yoda is a 14 year old rescue

To read the entire article and see pictures of Yoda the dogs that Yoda beat out, click here

Personally, I think Yoda is kinda cute. But that might just be me.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

This is to all the fathers out there, but especially to my daddy.

Dad, Thanks for being there when I need you,
For taking splinters out of my foot,
For helping me learn to ride a bike without training wheels,
For giving me rides on your motorcycle,
For teaching me about God,
And for helping me follow my dreams.

You are my hero, and I love you!

FFPandC's new look

Thanks to my sister's new blog, I have discovered how to make an image on the top. (YAY) So I put in one of my favorite pictures that I took while in FL, then I adjusted the color scheme to fit it. Hope you like it, readers!

Robin's Nest Updates

Sooooo sorry I haven't posted in forever! I've just been busy.

But here's the promised update on the robin's nest.
Apparently, the robin didn't like our traffic through the door, so she abandoned the nest. Sadly. Fortunately, she didn't abandon her eggs, because she hadn't laid them in there yet.

I expect that our robin created another nest somewhere else, and is happily raising her little babies.

When we discovered that she abandoned the nest, we took it down to see what it looked like. A robin's nest is truly an amazing thing! just look at it!

Isn't that weaving just incredible?
Let's take a look at the middle where the eggs would have been laid:

I would say that's just about perfect for 3 or 4 eggs to lay in.
This is the bottom of the nest:

See how she packed mud on there to make it sturdy? Truly amazing.

I am continually amazed at how God's creatures know exactly how to make a home, even on the thin ledge above a door!